ATRM, now FEI Certified Provider
After nearly 20 years of loyal service and official FEI approval since 2013, ATRM is now an FEI Certified Provider for Endurance under the number GW42W515AKSCI.

Ceci permet à ATRM de faire à nouveau le chronométrage des championnats mondiaux et continentaux selon les nouvelles normes FEI.

This allows ATRM to resume timing the World and Continental Championships under the new FEI standards.

ATRM7 replaces the various timing systems we have had until now by creating a single package covering all the needs of competitions from the most sophisticated to the most modest according to adapted modules.

From now on, the Organisers calling on us will have to tick "YES" in the heading "Scoring / Timing Provider" of the schedules (chapter XII) and enter the certificate number mentioned above.